Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Little Something About Religion

Religion. Therein lies my dichotomy. Classical education by definition has always built a strong foundation on Christianity.  We are not religious. We are not atheist. I find that most of these titles and labels only serve to divide humanity.  Tolerance and knowledge are two things that govern my choices as mother and a teacher. My attempt at "blogging" here springs from the supreme lack of secular home schoolers and curricula. At first this void seemed a road block. I have since learned to adapt and make good use of any material I find that serves the purposes I need, regardless of it's religious affiliation. This is not easy to do, nor is it easy on the checkbook ; ).  Somehow, we are managing and I have to say, it's getting easier and I really enjoy it!
Like most home schooling mothers, I spend a fair amount of time scouring the internet for the next idea to supplement our latest interest. Time and time again I will find myself knee deep in some aesthetically pleasing, well organized blog, complete with all sorts of links and tabs and free-bies. Then it comes, it's always there, religious baggage. Sometimes it hits you smack in the face first off, sometimes you find it tucked away neatly in the "About Me" department, which I suppose is where it ought to be. It never fails to leave me feeling just a tiny bit...solitary. The Christian home school community is ever so robust, they really can't want for community no matter which route they choose. Those of us who care to leave that area blank shouldn't have to feel as though other areas where blank as well. In my heart I know that it is just the opposite! I hold my arms open to the world and all it's great mysteries. I don't box myself in with dogma, doctrine and the devil. It wasn't  always this way though. Not at all. I spent years trying to please others and convince myself that I could believe as I "ought to." I suffered greatly for it.  It has been hard not to turn full force in the opposite direction. That, I'm told, is what most people generally experience when they first leave religion. 
So here we are, plodding on. My greatest hope is to see the home school community grow, lovingly, together without labels and beliefs that only serve to separate. 

Home Schooling in the garden

It would seem that, in a relatively short period of time, I have subjected my dear family to the gamut of homeschool curricula. So lengthy is the list, I'm not sure I recall each of them. However, I do mean to try.  At long last we have settled into a rhythm that feels authentic. Though it will undoubtedly bend and sway over the years to come, we at the very least, have plotted our course. My intentions here are to document our endeavor, if not only for my own personal archive.